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To ensure the producibility and manufacturability assessments have been performed and that the results will be used to identify the risk drivers in manufacturing proposed design alternatives.
The program must ensure that producibility and manufacturability risks are being adequately assessed and that the best alternatives will be considered.
Sources of Information:
This data should come from the design and manufacturing departments.
1. Are initial producibility and manufacturability assessments of preferred systems concepts completed?
2. Are the results of the producibility and manufacturability assessment being considered in the selection of preferred design concepts?
3. Are the results of the producibility and manufacturability assessment being reflected in the Technology Development Strategy key components/technologies?
Additional Considerations:
• Is there a need to evaluate/re-evaluate materials/processes characteristics for manufacturability and/or producibility issues?
• Have new manufacturing concepts and potential solutions been identified that could impact manufacturability/producibility?
• Have relevant materials/processes been evaluated for manufacturability using experimental results?
• Have relevant materials/processes characteristics been identified for all new items?
• Have new item gaps/risks impacting manufacturability and/or producibility been identified for key technologies, components, and/or key processes?
• Have initial estimates of yields and rates based on experiments or state of the art been completed that could show potential manufacturability and/or producibility issue?
Lessons Learned:
• Historically manufacturability and producibility issues are ignored early in acquisition.
• Producibility and manufacturability risks of the alternatives need to be presented to the decision makers before down-selecting the preferred alternative design(s) to understand the overall risk of achieving program objectives.